
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lose That Edge!

No, I have not disappeared.

Been busy.

Busy planning an upcoming trip of The JohnnyB and me, busy preparing for an upcoming (and a very long awaited) visit to us, busy with contemplating some art competitions, and busy with some ongoing mood swings that seem to follow the weather.

And, in between, I've managed to paint.

LimaB told me recently, "Looks like you are on to something - keep going". Indeed, I seem to be on a new path now, style-wise. I am not quite sure where I am heading, but the journey sure is fun.

This image just called for some lost edges, interesting shapes and ambiguity, and I decided to try and keep working with it for a while and find new ways to express it, until I find this 'something'.

As WackieM reminded us all in her blog, "you keep changing the image, you do the same thing but change the image. If you keep the image, you do something different each time". That's the great idea behind Mike Bailey's Beyond The Obvious class, and it's good to be reminded of it once in a while.

So, here are the first two versions of Jethro.

Both on Tyvek (a surface I am falling in love with more and more).

The first one done in watercolor, with a limited palette. The second done in walnut ink (I love this stuff!!!) - and an even more limited palette. (click to see the bigger version).

More to come.


Anonymous said...

סיורישום של יתרו, הגביר בחום, כוכך יפה . הטקסטורה מעניינת ושפתיים מה מזגת לו - ממש יישקו.

RH Carpenter said...

The first one I like for the limited color choices - the second I love! It looks like a man morphing into a tree - or a tree morphing into a man. A myth taking shape. The textures on the right side are wonderful.